Thursday, January 24, 2013

Celebrating Success

Food Collected by collaboration with our Student Council

We had a Food for Fines Program in the media center this holiday season.
Students could opt to pay for their fines or lost books with cans or boxes of food. 
We collected over $100.00 worth of fines in food for the local food bank.

The effort was in collaboration with our Student Council. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Battling with Davis Drive 

Our small but mighty team has been working hard reading, working on their  quizzes, and memorizing title and authors.
We have also been practicing our battles with Heritage Middle, Apex Middle and Davis Drive Middle. It really helps the team stay calm during the actual battle and be prepared for some tough competition.

We will begin profiling books next week by outlining major characters, plots, summaries and conflicts. Hopefully, this will keep the details clear for the team. The competition is only 7 meetings away! 

We meet online in Edmodo to talk to each other about books, related news and add questions. Our goal is to participate in the second round of the competition. Go! Big, Bad, Book Bosses!