Monday, November 5, 2012

Voicethread Expedition

Why are we doing this?

     Week four with my new enrichment group is already here. After polling our 8th grade teachers across subject areas, I decided our new focus would be vocabulary skills. Vocabulary skills? I thought it was a poor idea before I got started. I could envision the teeth-sucking, eye-rolling, chair-flipping and general anarchy erupting among the group.

     I'm thankful to report, aside of minor grumbling, my students are engaged in vocabulary-focused research and information processing. Our first week focused on prefix meanings. We worked in groups to uncover the meaning of unknown words, based on their prefix meaning. The students made educated guesses, adding them to a large chart at each table. They debated about their individual guesses, then verified against a dictionary. At the end of the week, we learned how to play Balderdash. I was excited to see the students make thoughtful definitions, based on their knowledge of prefix meanings! Not one student had played before and all seemed to enjoy the fun.

     I dedicated the second week to American Revolution vocabulary. Our first day included a pre-assessment of 10 terms from the 15 we would study throughout the week. Most students didn't know the terms, but that's why we do a pre-assessment, right? I was delighted to share a Schoolhouse Rock video, No More Kings, to summarize the American Revolution in an interesting way. I asked students to pick out some vocabulary terms they recognized in the video and infer the correct definitions.

     They were thrilled to spend the rest of the week in the computer lab. I used an existing on American Revolution terms. They were chatty, but after I re-focused them, they used the tool to learn the terms, learn to spell them, quiz themselves and play games with the vocabulary terms. On the last day, they took a post-assessment on the Quizlet. After only three days (30 minute periods), 75% of the students earned a 100%! Many were 'competing' to see who could earn the first perfect score. Those who earned less than perfect tried again and improved each time. I wouldn't call this a lesson with deep meaning, but they do remember the Proclaimation of 1763 now.

     We spent the last two weeks learning how to extract meaning from complex text. Upping the ante, I switched to chemistry terms for this process. Students learned how to search the EBSCO database by Lexile level and Boolean operators. They needed to find their term, summarize the article as related to the term, find an example (quote) of the term, then make an inferred defintition with textual evidence. Of course, they were expected to cite their resources. Each student had two terms, each requiring two sources. They will spend this week on an expidition into VoiceThread.
     Voicethread is newly-acquired on a county level; I've never used it in a classroom setting. I shared with the class that I don't know how this will work on a class level, but was hoping to get their support in this new adventure. It will be sloppy. It certainly won't be perfect. We'll all make mistakes, but we'll do it together and be the model for the rest of our students at WMS. "We're alpha testing Voicethread guys, isn't that exciting?"

     Some grunts and a few crooked smiles were reassurance enough for me. The first day was slightly messy, but the students and I worked past the end of class without once looking at the clock. I'll consider that a success.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Adventures in a Common Core Experiment

Like any educator worth their salt, I question my ability to provide the best opportunities for my students every day. In the last four weeks, something wonderful has happened in our media center: students were actively engaged in meeting their curriculum objective. What's the most amazing piece of this puzzle? They knew it wasn't going to be graded.

I have a group of engaged, inquisitive, creative and thoughtful 8th graders who are attending my four-week enrichment session called Inquiry Learning and Research Skills. Our objectives tied in ITES Standards for Research Process, Sources of Information and Technology as a Tool. They met standards for the 8th grade Language Arts Social Justice unit. This is a snapshot of their process:

Week 1: Students met each other, then were placed in five small groups (5-6). I presented their objectives, Essential Questions and thematic focus. I showed the groups different at-issue themes from our resources in the media center. Groups selected three of their own choice. I selected one of their choices for their theme. Ms. Hetzell, our AG coordinator, helped in groups two days in each of the first two weeks. We worked collaboratively to assist students in research by helping students analyze information for credibility, bias, quality, authorship and timeliness. They used a variety of formats (online video, journal databases, magazines, newspapers and non-fiction text, plus interviews)

Week 2: Student groups met to discuss their first week findings, discard information that did not meet criteria, then agree on their focus within the group. They reasearched all week, taking notes, citing sources and discussing their findings. Homework was never required, but many chose to work outside of class on their research. (victory!)

Week 3: After finishing up research and completing citations, students worked in groups to choose one representative icon of their theme for each member of the group. This discussion lasted one class period, and they had some wonderful converstations!

We spent one period learning about murals and how they are used locally, nationally and globally. We looked at examples from Clayton, NC, Philadelphia, PA and Belfast, Ireland. Students noted how murals reflect perspectives of community and politics.

On the next day, we took a 'field trip' on school grounds, using our ipads to create the iconic images with the camera application. Student groups used transparency sheets and a dry erase marker to create contour drawings of their icons, then projected them to a 'mural' sheet, using an overhead projector.

Week 4: Students individually write summaries of their perspective on the issue, based on their research. They will need to reference their sources in their arguments; it will be a challenge! The final product will be their murals with their individual perspectives pasted (literally) around the images for a collective piece of artwork and writing.

This was a time-consuming and resource-rich project. It was very successful, which I attribute to allowing students to have choice in their learning. It made it a meaningful, enriched and exciting learning experience. I'll hear their reflections and take a plus/delta survey next to learn what the students thought about this project, and I'll be sad to see them leave to their next enrichment adventure.

I wonder what I'll do with my next four weeks and my new group of students?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

And... we're off!!

Our first day of orientation started today. By this time next week, I will see all 970 of our students! It is quite a challenging year so far. The media center has solo staffing this year, so we need as many parent volunteers as we can muster. My primary role is providing collaborative teaching and learning projects to support the new Common Core curriculum in the classroom.
What does that require? Full-time clerical work. Hours of technology troubleshooting. Staff trained in technology and literacy support. Are you ready for a challenge? Please contact if you can give your time to volunteer.

On a happy note, our orientation, which started with sixth grade classes today, went quite smoothly. We had some great comments from students on their exit tickets:
"What I liked about the media center is all the interesting books and how much room there is."
"Two things I liked about the media center were that you can still check out books if you loan something or donate something [take-it-or-leave-it]. Also, you can check out almost every book."
"I think the media center was really fun, and it was a comfy place to be in."
"I liked the library here. It had a lot of good books and I like the bookmarks they had."
"Checking out the books was slow. We need two librarians."
"I love the way they really give you a choice in the media center with all those books all organized all neat. Good job, library staff!"
"I like that you're allowed to sit anywhere you want in the media center. I also like that you are able to keep your book for three weeks."
"I love the way everything was set up and the anime books. They need a lot more anime books."
"I really liked it. It's so different from elementary school. It's bigger and better. I loved it!"
 Trying to maintain our previous level of service with 60 hours less of help each week will prove to be my biggest challenge in my career. How will I handle it? With grace and focus, remembering that student literacy comes before plugging in cables. Involving parents in their child's education by listening to advice and allowing them to lend a hand for displays, project setup and resource support. Collaborating with classroom teachers to create a meaningful, fun project will trump paperwork piles, technology fix-its and laminating. 

 I will hope that we will again see a state IMPACT model standard, along with a national school learning environment to support the needs of our Common Core teachers and learners. Teacher librarians can't do it alone, but we sure work with remarkable efficiency and a welcoming smile anyway.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Things You Don't Learn in Graduate School

Mr. Bradford sacrificed his dignity for a day to support our Library Media program. For that Mr. Bradford, we are eternally grateful. We exceeded all sales in WMS Book Fair history, thanks to your effort! Thank YOU!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Thoughts

   Today was going to be a scheduled paperwork day. I dropped the paperwork when I talked with a student who admitted their struggle to pass this year. I cleared time with his teacher, then we spent hours today sorting through a mess of unfinished projects, worksheets and class assignments.
    After sorting all of his class work into different folders and creating To-Do checklists on each folder, we picked the largest obstacle, an overdue science project, and started there.
     The student made a connection with something of interest then took off! I'm just as thrilled to finish an overwhelming task, turn it in to the teacher's delight, and check it gleefully off the list. It's a start, but I think it was a precious moment for both of us.
     I hope these moments are considered when libraries and librarians are stacked on the budget cut list for next year. These experiences are just a fragment of the differences a professional librarian can make in a child's education.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Book Fair Luau 

We had a night of family fun in our media center this week. Mr. Corbitt directed Reader's Theatre for Hunger Games, Cabin Fever and The Day the Stones Walked. The kids had a blast performing and the audience enjoyed the interactive entertainment!
We loved hearing our WMS Band perform and enjoyed hearing from our PTA President too. We're already looking forward to next year's event!

Renee Todd and our award-winning band played Hawaii 5-0, of course.
The narrator introduces The Day the Stones Walked

Our Tropical Cafe had great ambiance.

Scene from The Hunger Games
Katniss interviews with Cesar Flickerman
The audience participated interactively
The Library Leaders made a great Book Fair Crew this year.

Peeta interviews with Cesar Flickerman

The cast takes a bow
charming and friendly student crew set the atmosphere

We had lots of sales tonight. We can have some new books next year!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

8th Grade Language Arts Non-Fiction fun

We are Common Core ready at WMS! All 8th grade Language Arts visited out media center this week to explore many formats of non-fiction. Using Bloom's Revised Taxonomy activities, each station provided opportunities to use primary and secondary resources, technology for reading, analyzing and evaluating non-fiction.
See the pictures below to get a peek of our station activities!
NatGeo app on ipad helped students examine skills use to process text, video and photos.

This sorting station used analyzing skills to sort books into persuade, inform and entertain.
Only one team got them all correct - it was tough!

Butter or margarine? Students read articles to compare authorship and quality of information, then compared them visually.

The Library of Congress is a great way to get a peek into the past with quality primary resources. Students listened, viewed, observed and responded to photos, music and manuscripts.

Investigate! Is it an historic document? A research work? Analysis or newspaper?
The team had to arrive at a consencus before they revealed the Top Secret answers!

This could be either informative or entertaining.

This is fun! Is it entertaining?

Students read an article on the Hindenburg explosion, listened to the primary news broadcast,
then created a  mind map of details on the ipads. Oh, the humanity!

What is margarine? Most students didn't know there was a difference from butter!

These students were excited about seeing the original draft of the Gettysburg Address!

Popplet is a great app for mind mapping the Hindenberg events

Book Fair Pictures

We will have our Parent Night Book Luau on Tuesday, April 17th.
Our drama department will have three one-act plays for reader's theatre:
The Hunger Games
Cabin Fever
The Day the Stones Walked

There will be "candlelight", refreshments and our award-winning band will perform!
Come out between 6:30PM and 8:00PM to join the fun.

Our main entrance

the student entrance

Aloha! Welcome to our book luau.

The tree creates an island atmosphere!

Wendell wolf welcomes our guests

We're promoting poetry too!

Larry, Moe and Curly

Our student crew had great fun making our signs and decorating.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hungry for Hunger Games?

     We didn't have quite enough interest in getting our own theatre for a Saturday movie outing to see the much-anticipated Hunger Games in April.

     We are not giving up! As soon as movie times are posted for April 14th, I will select a morning show time. You'll see the information about the show time posted on our school website, here and on the parent newsletter.

     Your parents will bring you and monitor you during the movie. We hope to see lots of our Wendell community members getting in on the fun!

     Stay tuned for details.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Manga Mania! Cooperative Stories

Our students had the opportunity to write a story during Manga Mania.  Students in a group rolled dice to determine six elements of their story:
  • Characters: People, Animals, Creatures
  • Setting: Where the story takes place
  • Sequence: Plot, order of events
  • Conflict/Climax: Most exciting part
  • Resolution: Occurs after conflict
  • Exposition: Details
One group of students (Tim, Will, Aiden, and Triniti) wrote the following story:

Three heroes are alerted by their mentors that danger is coming to their homes: Link in Hyrule, Naruto in the Hidden Leave Village of Konoha, and Goku on Mount Paozu.  The three meet and decide that they need one more hero and they ask Chuck Norris of Texas to join them.  Chuck Norris agreed right after he finished giving Superman flying lessons.

The four heroes know that the evil boss is hiding in an underground, underwater secret lair.  Goku teleports in and spice out the boss' headquarters. He comes back with a report about how many guards there are and that the other heroes can all get in through a long guarded tunnel.  The four heroes plan an assault.

But first, they have to navigate the tunnel.  The four heroes decide to use the "pure stealth" tactic to sneak past all the guards.  Finally they arrive at a very heavy metal door leading to the secret lair.  At the front door, Chuck Norris taps the door with with his index finger and it explodes...epically!  Link climbs in to the rafters and hides, looking for more guards.  He finds where the boss is hiding with his special elite guards protecting his computerized control center.

Then, Link is surprised to hear voices talking.  There's not one,. but two evil bosses: Elusive Man from the Mass Effect Universe and Pain the leader of the Akatuski who are Narotu's enemies.  Link hears them talking about destroying the Earth in many different universes. 

This is more than enough for the heroes to act on.  They begin an all-out attack on the two evil bosses and their minions.  Naruto does his amazing Shadow Clone Attack and takes down lots of guards at once.  Link swings his magic sword, slicing through many enemies from a distance.  Goku does the Super Saiyan Kame Hame Ha attack and collapses the ceiling and two walls.  Chuck Norris round house kicks the entire room of guards and both bosses until no one is left standing.  Link uses the code he overheard the bosses talking about to disarm the multiverse nuclear warhead.  The four heroes win and save the day!

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Day in the Life of WMS Media Center

Here's a snapshot of a regular day:

7:10AM Doors Open
  • Student NewsFlash! Crew comes in early to edit the news teleprompter, getting ready for air at 7:25am.
  • Alternative Learning Center student checks out a laptop to stay on top of his school work.
  • Students come in to check out new books and return old ones.
  • Played student's CD for ambient music.
  • Media lab has a few students checking their SAM accounts and researching for projects (with some re-direction away from Google images thanks to yours truly)
  • Manga Mania student-directed club meets each morning to talk about movie and novel characters.
  • Teacher sends student to pick up some books for classroom use.
  • I edit the announcement clock PPT for in-house broadcast.
  • NewsFlash! show begins while students check out before tardy bell.
  • 8th Grade Science class uses media lab to work on a fossil webquest from University of California Berkeley.
  • 8th Grade Language Arts group (16) discuss Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M. Draper.
  • Teacher brings in laptop for troubleshooting and repair request.
  • I write up another computer issue at the same time.
  • Assisted a student browse our MP3 collection.
  • check e-mail for directives and requests.
  • Alternative Learning Center student checks out a laptop to stay on top of his school work.
  • Students in media lab using Edmodo for classroom discussion.
  • downloaded apps for classroom ipad set
  • two 7th grade HOWL periods (approximately 64 students) visit for a briefing on new displays, book fair and circulating books.
  • Assist a student who needs Flash downloaded on a borrowed laptop.
  • Plan media lab times for 8th grade high school registration. (It's nearly full for March!)
  • Help student give "the best book ever" a rating on our online catalog.
  • Begin prepping stations for after-school Manga Mania activity.
  • More students come to circulate books.
  • Students in media lab for Cool Math free time
  • (unsuccessfully) troubleshoot ipad problems.
  • Run out, between classes, to Food Lion for Manga Mania activity refreshments (paid for with my own money). 
  • Next 8th Science class works in media lab.
  • Research articles for upcoming 7th grade writing test research activity.
  • two more 7th grade HOWL periods (approximately 64 students) visit for a briefing on new displays, book fair and circulating books.
  • Library Leaders visit during their lunchtime to help shelve and straighten the media center.
  • new 8th Grade science class in media lab
  • re-direct student on Google images to appropriate resources
  • assist new staff member in finding materials for classroom
  • finally leave for the Food Lion Trip planned at 9:30am.
  • 8th Grade Language Arts group (18) discuss Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M. Draper.
  • Students visit media lab for project research
  • Set up Tears of a Tiger Read-Alike book display
  • Move furniture to create Manga Mania stations
  • Set up technology and supplies at each station
  • Set up snack table for event.
  • Create sign-in sheet and gather door prizes.
  • Still setting up stations while assisting students with needs.
  • Help teacher take care of a broken desktop in their classroom.
  • Write repair request for broken computer.
  • Library leaders come to help shelve books, re-arrange messy 700 section, sharpened pencils, moved chairs and assist students looking for books.
Where did the time go? 
We are in the middle of our Manga Activity!

  • Station 1: Bento Box webquest in Media Lab (self-directed)
  • Station 2: Katakana Japanese character writing with Ms. Shaw
  • Station 3: Drawing Manga features with Mr. Gallagher
  • Station 4: Roll the Dice story building activity with me
  • Station 5: Cosplay role-play theatre with Ms. Turner
Here are some photos from the cosplay station. They had too much fun!


Whew! As you can see, in just one day, Media Specialists/Teacher Librarians have direct impact on student instruction, staff support, technology support and reading promotion. 

We truly are the learning commons in the school. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Closing in on Second Semester

     We have a large group of avid Hunger Games fans excited 
for the upcoming release of the Lionsgate version of Susanne Collins' 
trilogy. Click here for a look at the trailer.

     I am working on a plan for a Saturday outing to Garner's White Oak
theatres on April 14th. Students will go with parents, friends and neighbors 
to see this exciting new movie together. We can hardly wait until 
then! Stay tuned on the WMS school website for details.

The Camera Eye
The 'camera museum' has an array of books, film, movie and still cameras.

 Positive images, negative rolls, magazine and book titles and camera equipment surround the display.
 There are an assortment of Kodak cameras in this photo dating back to 1908.

This 1960-era splicer still works.
The Starmite II behind it has the original receipt from 1964. The kit cost $12.14!
     Have you ever noticed that a camera shutter works like your eyelids? That film works in the same way as the retina? Our 6th Grade will be learning about parts of the human eye along with parts of a camera and how they are alike. 
     Students will use an interactive site on the SMARTboard for learning functions of the human eye, holding old cameras to see how they function like the eye, handle 8mm and 35mm film and use ipads for an interactive optical illusion app. 
     I love teaching this unit with my family's photos and collection of cameras dating back to 1908. I keep the 'Leckey camera museum' up until January 27th, so stop in and take a look!

Class interactions:
Learning how our lenses work.

Ms. Frederick helps students find the sclera

Students engaged in reading

using teamwork to find the answers

They really enjoyed the ability to modify text and images for their viewing preference.

Silver halite crystals in film work like the cones and rods in your retina